Blueberry Pie & Sunsets
>> Tuesday, September 8, 2009 –
English Fun,
For those of you who are not aware... we moved. Floors, that is. We moved apartments from #202 to #417. (Side note... update our apartment # in your address book if you already haven't done so.) Anyway... back to this blog. The McKinney's used to live on floor 2 with us, but they moved to the 10th floor. So we are no longer neighbors :(
It had been WAY too long since we'd spent time with them and their precious two girls, so this was a wonderful time we spent together, laughing, catching up, and eating FABULOUS dessert :)
This is Olivia and she makes me melt.
This is Abbey and she will make you smile ALL the time :)

Self portrait.
Gotta love the skyline of Dallas.
This is the blueberry pie that was made by Abbey and her mom, Christie, which we enjoyed after watching the sun go down. They are fabulous cooks. Yum!